Front cover of the Citizen's Financial product overview book
Inside pages that offer the details of the various CFS investment product offerings
Double page spread for the Investments Overview section
Citizen's Financial Information Booklet
Graphic Design | Copy Writting
CLIENT: Citizen's Financial Services
Citizen's Financial Services is the investment arm of Citizen's State Bank. Partnered with Cetera Investment Services CFS offers Retirement Planning, and Wealth Management services throughout Harvey and McPherson counties.
Citizen's Financial needed customer facing collateral that would help get the conversation started about investing and wealth management. The information needed to be easy to understand, and also entice customers into wanting to learn more about CFS's investments services and beginning their own investment journey.
A high-quality (100 lb. card stock printed in full color) investment booklet was developed to be offered directly to current banking customers who were not yet investing with Citizen's Financial. After researching the various CFS products, they were broken down into four different categories, General Investing, Retirement Planning, Social Security and Risk Management. Each of the topics were given two to four pages in the book and marked off by large tabs on the edge of the book to make them easier to find. Photograph from around Harvey County were supplemented with stock photos reflective of small town life and rural environments were used to appeal to local customers. The copy was written to show that CFS's focus is on being an investment partner for their customers, and helping them through the investment process.
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